Kent, CT: Return of Will

SO good to be in New England. As soon as I crossed the border, where there once was no water, springs flowed. Even the mosquitoes started to go away. The trail became wide and well maintained. Deep hemlock shade and cool air replaced the heat of the Mid-Atlantic. Ah, CT! So good to be home(ish).

Then, it got all rocky and hard and super super hot.

BUT—I caught up with Will in Kent! And despite the uppity-ness of the town, many people stopped and said “hi” to me as I hung out by the side (not in front) of the Post Office, eating my lunch. What a friendly town!

Night-hiked into the shelter and Will was there. Going up the rock staircase after West Cornwall Road in the dark was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve ever had. Not often does the trail go straight up and through random rock cracks…and trying to figure all that out in the dark was an adventure! Unfortunately, the package I had forwarded from Ft Montgomery, NY (I hit the town on a Sunday) had not arrived in Kent. Yes, even with a 20 mile head start, I can still walk faster than the Post Office can deliver a package. Luckily, NY was easy enough to resupply in food-wise, but that package had my new shoes, which I’m starting to really need…

Verdant CT


From heat to hail


New England smells different