Return to Standing Bear

Here at Standing Bear and stoked to see all the AT hikers!! I ran into Ice Axe, who is now the only hiker (besides Frogs) who I’ve seen on the AT, PCT, and CDT! It’s a bit weird being with these greenhorns and tenderfoots, but their enthusiasm is so awesome and it makes me super happy. I always thought if I came out on these trails as a Triple Crowner, that I’d be talking to people, wondering who ois going to make it and who won’t–but that thought hasn’t even crossed my mind. I guess whole attitude has changed: hiking is about the experience, the people you meet, and the flow. We’re all here in this time-place, living a dream. I feel alive again to return here. I was excited to again see White Blazes. I felt a calling of “home.” My legs twitch in excitement for tomorrow. I Know I am supposed to be traveling this trail.


First day back on trail…getting in the groove again


On the plane quivers…