What it means to wake up refreshed

Woke up, walked the 100 feet to the last BMT blaze I had seen, looked at it, and then knew where to go. I committed to the trail, not knowing if it was the BMT or not, but doing as Benton said: “To walk. To see. To see what you see.” I knew I was out there to hike, to see the woods, and not necessarily to walk the trail, so I thought, “Even if I’m lost, it’s ok. This is about the experience.”

Turned out that I was on trail. Made it to Thunderrock Campground, charged phones, cooked a lunch, would’ve taken a shower but took one yesterday. As I was leaving, a family invited me over for a sandwich and sodas—score!

The blazing to Big Frog was pretty bad. The blazes are little wooden diamonds that are foolishly placed on trees of 1″ diameter at breast height, hiding between thicker Rhododendron. Using an old CDT trick, I used my Sharpie to mark some signs. Maybe someone else will be spared my confusion.


Spotted my first hikers!


Finding peace with getting lost. Kind of.