Mt Hood 55 mile challenge

As you can tell, I am super stoked for the big miles tomorrow.

Right before Mt. Hood, 7 thru-hikers including myself completed a 55 mile day into Timberline Lodge. We all camped together, disposing (eating) unwanted food (you don’t want to carry extra weight in your pack) and prepping ourselves for the big day. Setting our alarms for 3 am, we set off in the dark, only to get rained on an hour into the journey. The rain stopped, as it became light, those who camped near the trail cheered us on asking as we speed-walked by: “Are you part of this crazy double marathon group?”

Can’t gain without a little blister

Not that it was a race or anything, but I pulled in at the head of the pack, and passed a guy not in our group who was doing 50 miles into Timberline. We finished before 6 pm, and were able to grab a warm meal and share a room with all the triumphant victors.


Cascade Locks to Snoqualmie Pass: Huckleberry Hysteria


Old Station to Bend: The incredible, edible Oregon