Dubois, WY
Ol’ Faithful
We’re taking a zero day (no CDT miles hiked today) out of Togoetee Pass in Dubois, Wyoming! Yay! Finally made it to Wyoming! The trail goes right past Old Faithful in Yellowstone and some nice backcountry geysers including the nice and toasty Witch Creek (the stinky hikers were able to take a warm soak there). We got a wicked storm that brought snow to the mountains, but just lots of freezing rain to us. Two nights in a row, we’ve woken to frost and the locals keep telling us “winter is upon us.” The next leg is 140 miles through the Winds without resupply and we keep hearing from people who live in the area that within the last 10 days, 5 problem grizzlys have been put down and that we should be careful. The northbound CDT hikers we’ve met told us the Winds were their favorite part of the trail, so I’m quite excited to be reaching 11,000 feet for the first time on this trail. On to more adventure!