Maple Syrup and the Great Wall of China
The view from Johnson
Made it to Johnson last night, but the woman who picked me up in the pouring rain as I was hitch-hiking into town was really curious where I came from and what had happened to me. It wasn’t until several hours later when I finally looked in the mirror that I understood: my entire face was smeared in mud like a television war solider! Got my first shower and laundry for a week.
View from the Awesome View hostel
As expected, I had a hard time dragging myself out of time and sometime around 11, (for the first time in 10,000 miles of hiking), I stuck my thumb out and IMMEDIATELY got a ride back to the trail. Cool trail today with maple syrup tap lines over the trail!
As expected, I had a hard time dragging myself out of time and sometime around 11, (for the first time in 10,000 miles of hiking), I stuck my thumb out and IMMEDIATELY got a ride back to the trail. Cool trail today with maple syrup tap lines over the trail!
Also, went by this cool cave/long rock formation that reminded me of the Great Wall of China in the Bob Marshall Wilderness with waterfalls running off.
The weather wasn’t great so I didn’t get much of a view, but it cleared up for the end of the day at Spruce Camp. I was alone again at the shelter–its been like that since Sunrise Camp–6 days of being alone at shelters. This one felt a bit haunted and smelled funny, so I hammocked. I’ve been pushing so hard, its funny to think it will all be over in less than 2 days. 4605′ gain (similar to yesterday, but felt much easier today….being clean will do that to you).